CV | Randeep Dhaliwal

Curriculum vitae



  • Creative developer with a passion for building great user experiences
  • Strong delivery track record using agile & lean practices
  • Dynamic and motivated self starter, with the proven ability to meet set objectives and seek out 'better way to achieve tasks' within a position
  • Loves collaborating with designers to create scalable design experiences, that are also inclusive and accessible
  • Constantly finding ways to collaborate with other teams to reuse and scale code in ways that benefits both teams and the company in general.

Qualification Summary

  • Senior Developer and Tech Lead with a total of 10 years experience, in both frontend and backend development. More seasoned in frontend development, but have experience with the UX/UI design side of things, as well as backend engineering and architectures.
  • Understanding of the following broad technologies: React, ES6, GraphQL, Redux, NodesJS, PostCSS, Sass, Ruby/Rails, Python, Lambdas, React Native, iOS, Kubernetes, Datadog, AWS.
  • Experience on both large and small scale commercial applications, from research and ideation all the way to release, then continuously delivering, iterating and refining solutions.
  • End to end understanding of a digital eCommerce sites, with experience in SEO, Adwords, A/B Testing, Analytics and User Testing.
  • Experience in sonography and medical apps, including conforming to HIPAA privacy standards and DICOM file interpretation.


See Mode

Senior Software Engineer & Tech Lead // Apr 2021 - Sep 2022

  • Front end web experience includes React, SPA, GraphQL, SASS, Fabric.JS
  • Back end experience includes Node.JS and Python
  • Infrastructure experience includes AWS (AppSync, Lambdas, CDK, RDS) , Make, Bash, Github Actions
  • Architecture experience includes using the Clean Architecture in the frontend, redesigning the database structure for the entire app, as well as rearchitecting how data was structured, generated and used in both the backend and frontend.
  • Working with designers to build out the design system
  • Collaborating with design and engineering to balance building things scalably, whilst also being flexible and experimental enough for a startup.
  • Mentoring Mid level developers to start thinking how they can balance the immediacy of the short term solution, against the long term scalability and flexibility a startup needs.
  • Mentoring Junior developers by teaching them basics of coding, value of tests as well as guiding them to being to complete work more independently


  • Designed, managed, cowrote and delivered a big change to how data was generated in the backend, read/displayed/edited in the frontend, and then persisted in the database. This project was essential to laying the foundations to all the work completed in 2022.
  • Built off the above work to make the sonography app scale from supporting 3 studies to 12+ studies in about 6 months.


Senior Software Engineer // Apr 2018 - Apr 2021

  • Front end (web) experience includes React, GraphQL, Apollo, SASS, PostCSS
  • Front end (native app) experience includes Swift, SwiftUI and UIKit
  • Back end experience includes NodeJS, Ruby, Rails, Scala
  • Infrastructure experience includes Kubernetes, Datadog, AWS, Buildkite, Make, Bash
  • Architecture experience include Monolithic Apps, Micro-service APIs, Backend for Frontend, MVVM
  • Worked on the fledgling recommendations experience, leading development of the frontend, BFF as well as working on the Microservice APIs that connects to the recommendation engine
  • Became the SRE champion within our team, helping improve observability and reliability of our systems.
  • Contributed heavily to the then-incubating, now fully-fledged, Design System
  • Worked on a variety of Frontend performance optimisations and monitoring
  • Worked on a variety of initiatives to improve SEO ranking as well as customer experience and conversion
  • Regularly provided advice, guidance and support to other teams with less frontend experience
  • Mentoring fellow developers, interns and junior developers
  • Started transitioning over to the iOS team to learn about Swift and a different kind of frontend development experience.


  • Collaborated closely with both the designer in our team as well as the Design System team to create beautiful, consistent, accessible and inclusive experiences. This involved creating and updating existing Design System components, creating a variety of prototypes for User testing as well participating in Design workshops
  • Championed adoption of React Hooks as a new standard for writing frontend code
  • Lead development on a huge rewrite of the Search experience. This involved working with our designer, writing the front end code, collaborating and working with 3-4 different teams on the backend and the design system and seeing this all rolled out. Over a 4 month period, I wore a variety of hats: Project Manager, Tech Lead and Developer.


Software Engineer // Sep 2015 - Dec 2017

  • Front end experience includes React, Flux, SASS and Angular 1
  • Back end experience includes Ruby, Rails, NodeJS.
  • Apps and Architectures include Monolithic Apps, Micro-service APIs, Backend for Frontend (BFF), Single Page App (SPA) and Mobile Apps
  • Worked on multiple site redesigns, developing a living CSS StyleGuide along the way
  • Worked on improving the sites SEO performance on all aspects: site speed, keyword markup and more
  • Performed user testing with customers and retailers, as well as staff on internal tools
  • Quickly iterated on ideas and prototypes based on feedback
  • Organised, developed and ran A/B tests
  • Worked with analytics (Woopra, Google Analytics, Google Tag Manager) to examine customer conversion and retention
  • Integrated with platforms such as Intercom and Facebook
  • Ran Google Adwords and Facebook Ad Campaigns
  • Worked in a highly agile, OKR focused environment


  • Built a React Native app from scratch in less than a month
  • Introduced adoption of tools like Webpack, Babel, Jest, Yarn and ES6
  • Presented at MelbCSS about Chrome Dev Tools and improving productivity

Suncorp Group

Front End Developer // Jan 2013 - Sep 2015

  • Co-created, designed, deployed and evolved a multi-brand living CSS style guide
  • Lead and managed the growth of the Suncorp StyleGuide from 1 brand used on 2 projects to having the framework support 8 brands on 10+ applications
  • Features of the Suncorp StyleGuide include a component-based architecture, completely responsive ready, SVG Icon Library as well as using the latest in HTML5 Inputs
  • Made heavy use of automation tools so that the team only grew from 2 people to 3 despite Suncorp StyleGuide adoption increasing from 2 applications to 10+ applications
  • Setup and maintained private NPM and Bower registries
  • Created a variety of Grunt plugins and Yeoman generators.
  • Helped introduce continuous delivery practices into Suncorp.
  • Achievements
  • Created the Suncorp StyleGuide with a modular & scalable architecture which is now use by 200+ Developers
  • Made tools like NPM, Grunt and Bower a part of the standard developer toolset
  • Presented the Suncorp StyleGuide and it's tooling to MelbCSS with tremendously positive feedback


Software Developer Intern // Jul 2011 - Feb 2012

  • Server and performance testing using JMeter and JProfiler
  • iPhone application development and documentation
  • Development of integral tools to time sheets, CRM and invoicing systems using VB.NET and Quickbooks API

Formal Qualifications

Monash University

Bachelor of Software Engineering with Honours // 2009-2012

  • High Distinction Average
  • Awarded a Monash University Information Technology Scholarship

Melbourne High School

VCE // 2005-2008

  • Achieved an ENTER of 95.35
  • Active participant of the Army Cadet Unit for all 4 years, attaining the rank of Cadet Under Officer